It's amazing what you notice when you are out of your usual routine. I have spent the last few months outside my usual routine that if you knew me, you could probably track me down to the minute where I was every second of the day...till my head hit the pillow. Well, life changes, and things happen, and finally you are almost forced out of a routine....that has been a bittersweet experience for me so far. I have traveled due to events, and at the same time caught up with my life...you know the one you ignore due to
consistently taking care of business you kind of forget about yourself.
I noticed today...those who speak like they have learned it all, have it all, really have nothing. I don't mean it as a put down...I mean life ...even when I was in my military routine...it's about paying attention...and if you do know about something..then share...teach...learn more. You can be good at something, but if you realize that there is always room for improvement you can be great at something...it leads back to settling. I don't want to settle. I don't want to seem like I have it all...and I
definitely know I don't know it all...that is why I always ask for your feedback. It's just life. Different
backgrounds, preferences...I want to know what is on your mind.
Today was a day to remember...but we should remember everyday...give thanks. I'll say it for every HOLIDAY, Birthday, Anniversary, you get the point. Why does society go nuts on one day? Do they even remember what the
event is all about? I mean it should be noted everyday..love..everyday...life...one more year...how about another day? What do you all think?