
In a time where everyone is trying to fit's those that remember that being different is what is talent. In a society where everything sounds the same, it's those who dare to be ahead of the curve, and demonstrate layers of talent that will rise.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Chilling Out....

What Intentions Means

I is for Impressive

N is for Nutty

T is for Terrific

E is for Enthusiastic

N is for Neglected

T is for Tempting

I is for Ideal

O is for Odd

N is for Nice

S is for Sensitive

Wow what a year. We all watch shows, people, situations, and imagine the things that we strive for, the things that we want, how to go about it, and sometimes don't go about it the right way. I guess that is where that statement "Live and Learn" comes from...all those comments come from the same book of "If I knew then what I know now". I've said be-careful what you wish for it just might present itself in front of you when you think there is no way someone can read what it is you want. Be careful what you desire, it might come true, and then what? Sometimes those moments that forever change your life, also leave you a bit out in the cold full of more questions regardless that it solidifies other areas that you had doubt about at one time. Everything does happen for a reason. Why? Well that will all come out later. Take care of yourself. That comes first right? If you don't take care of you body, mind, soul, how could you possibly be good around others, especially those that you care for?

Chill out, another word for patience, take it easy, don't rush moments, savor the times, tuck them away. They are yours and yours alone. Some moments you want to scream out to the world, the thing is that they are more special when you keep them to your self due to they are your moments, and no matter how descriptive, no matter how much you could explain it to the point that someone could relate, it just isn't the same because it was yours, personal, and that is it. To every individual we all have different scales, so what affects some of us that leaves us breathless, might of been just a moment to others.
Take those moments as at least they wanted to spend that moment with you, gave you all that they could, and that was more than enough. I won't lie, it is easier said than done. Less is more, less is more, less is more. Get it? Nope I didn't for a while, and the more I take a step back in all the moments 2007 brought me, I've realized that being an open book isn't the best choice. All you can offer is a good ear. A good shoulder. Good support.

How do you pull a moment close, and make it stay? I haven't quite figured it out, but I'll stay determined that you should tell those that matter to you the most what they mean to you. You should tell those that doubt themselves due to fear that you have faith in them, and that it isn't unusual to be scared, but turn that fear into drive to overcome it. Tell those that sometimes feel abandonment that they need to have confidence, and with that confidence it will bring a magnetism that they will have to start seeking out alone time.

2008 will bring us all more moments, intensity, overwhelming events, and at the same time all those things will propel us to pull that power within, uniqueness, and propel us all towards a more fulfilling year of accomplishments.

Happy New Years! Happy 2008.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Goodbye my little angel.

Goodbye my angel. Goodbye my sweet. Goodbye my unexpected surprise. Your heartbeat next to mine completed my puzzle. I'm sorry that we didn't get to meet face to face, but I know you are my angel, and I will always carry you in my soul.
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I never thought I would know the feeling of a life inside me. The unexpected surprise was one that most go, uh oh, and I was jumping out of my skin wanting to announce it to the world! Unfortunately in life "Things happen for a reason" and not all events make it to their day of arrival. My faith helps me cope with not being angry, but my heart is heart broken. The future will bring new events when the time is right.

2007 , and every year for everyone, entails so much for all of us. Up and Down, sad moments, happy moments, moments that take your breath away, moments that give you butterflies and desire that you wish you could have at a moments notice, and events that bring in people into your life that you realize people are some of  the little gifts from GOD to get us through the journey we have all been given to live and feel "ALIVE". My opinion on life remains the same "Live hard, Love hard, Laugh hard" Enjoy all the little accomplishments and situations as much as all the big ones. Most of the time all the little accomplishments are just the fun little rewards leading us all to those major accomplishments. Be honest, and open to those that put in the same effort in life that you do. Don't take things for granted, don't regret, learn when it is needed, listen when it's the right time, express yourself, state your opinions, respect, keep an open mind, listen to yourself, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there for if you do not take a chance you will miss out on life. We have all been granted abilities. Use them, share them, and support those that you see the uniqueness of talent within so that others may share in the beauty of the gifts that we all have hidden. We all have gifts it just some of us have them hidden until we figure them out, or how learn to put them to good use.

All this being said, learn from life that some people, and some things have to be let go. Sometimes we have to let go of situations, people to give ourselves the opportunity to bring new people, appreciate the ones we have that we have not invested correctly in, and open ourselves up to situations that we never imagined we could find.

If something is too hard, and you have given it your best. Good "INTENTIONS" not selfish, then let it go. It will be o.k.

Listening to Thania Sanz. Again someone I support due to originality, depth, and a mentor of talent and life. This is one of the many songs she sings, wrote, produce, and the lucky ones that get to her gigs see her  sing live. The song is called "No Vale La Pena" which means it's not worth it. So let go of the weights that hold you back so you can enjoy life, move forward, move ahead. Check out that song and more on her website Music is therapy, what ever style you choose to march to the beat of your life.

Thank you for the support and opinions.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Mile In These Shoes...

Walk a mile in my shoes....I heard that new song the other day and it made me think....

Who said that your problems are worse than theirs or vice versa? I have never believed no matter what I'm going through that my roadblocks are more important than those of others. I do believe and have learned recently that when something comes up deal with it to the best of your ability and move ahead, because as I've been told, no one wants to hear you whine over and over. Situations affect us all in very different ways. What is on the top of one persons list might be on the bottom of another list, and what is that last thought of one person might be the top priority of another.

Every day we pray, wish, hope that we can reach the goal that we have set out for ourselves. Some things surprise us, some situations take us by surprise, and some moments take our breath away so much that it inspires us to strive for more. Crossroads appear in life, and as soon as you pick which way to go, roadblocks pop up. Those mean take a step back and re evaluate your situation. I imagine once the doubt is cleared you keep moving forward.

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I heard a great quote the other day :
"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't." So true. Our inner voice tells us what it is we want, and what it is that we need to do, but so many things attribute doubt that you double guess your happiness. All I know is if you don't shed your shells, end up where you would like, keep the people that fulfill you close it will be difficult to reach true happiness, and I was told "Get it straight, and welcome to life!" It's funny you know ...I see my self as an observer. I listen...YES I DO...and try to take in different views. We live in such a diverse world full of so many incredible people, things, opportunities, it would just be uneducated to not to not listen, view, try, you get the point.

Friends are our new families. As we get older, and enjoy our immediate family, we also realize as we make our own lives that family becomes extended with friends, because in the end as we all get older that is the new generation family that will be by your side. I miss my extended family, and slowly settling back home, I look forward to catching up with everyone in Florida.

Thank you all for your observations. Keep them coming.