Let me start out by saying maybe it is because you find out who you are (You have no constant buffers to deter you from that) who your friends are....maybe because you realize who is one your side. I don't mean who will listen to your whining over and over, and all the stuff you need to settle in your life but who will be there to pick you up when times are so tough, ANYONE would know that a reach out hand would do wonders. I mean really what is it? Is it pride. Do we all have to be so tough? I know SOME people are crappy, SOME take advantage, SOME will even mislead the hell out of you...but does it really mean we have to be tough on those that are full of love to give, good intentions? A desire to live life to the fullest, laugh out loud and do what you must in the mean time while we get our dreams in order. Sadly I'm going to say yes. Regardless I refuse to be one of those....Don't get me wrong. "Let me clear my throat"....yah sing along... I will love, laugh, support, bend it better than Beckam, but if you push, stretch the rubber band, I am human, and well it will be time for me to let it go. I guess society is working on such an extreme basis...too tough, too soft, that they believe that there is no middle. It's simple you see. I've said it a million times. We ARE ALL on the same boat. Money, well it makes the world go round, love we need some sort that is the "umph" to drive us, laughter well that is just great release, and toughness it's good cause you can't let your self be beat, but really if you don't take a look around, and start to involve the people that matter, and I don't mean take on their crap, you are and will miss out. I have heard the saying it's better to be alone than unhappy. TRUE....it's great to be independant, but IT SUCKS to be so alone that you are lonely. All that does is make you go...'o.k. so I've been positive, I've worked hard, I've moved on, why would I want more people in my life to do this all over again' Right?
So here I am. Starting over, counting very few who will support, figuring out what is worth it, and wondering how long will I have to chill, and feel the hurt in my soul before the sun comes out?
"Tiene que Salir el Sol" T. Sanz
I live by observations. I live by my head and my heart, regardless my heart overpowers my head sometimes (But in the end I will never regret that)! I don't know really why people have to get a taste of you, and then you become just a someone, a now and then, a maybe never again. REALLY?! Did we have this discussion. DID I START this ? No! I disappear I become so well liked....really have we become a society where we have all been treated so poorly that you have to lose the good things in life to realize how great it is to have it (AT WHATEVER LEVEL)? Doesn't society realize that that severe of a push sometimes means you will not get that back. It won't be the same. It can't be rekindled.