It's been a while since I've visited the soul...but it's time to get back. What a year. Time really does go by fast when you are busy reaching for your goals. Appreciate every second of every day for it is a gift, something to learn from, something to tuck into your soul, a lesson to be learned, a selfish moment, an opportunity, a way to fine tune into your core...
Be ready for the pressure, the drama and the pleasure... got your whole life ahead of you. LIfe is a roller coaster one step a way and you are closer.. it's there within your reach. Nothing really stops us. Attitudes and doubts might be a few of the bumps you encounter but live your life. It's yours! You CAN do it on your own. The scariest thing is actually doing everything you have planned. Put it into motion. There will be sacrifices but with the right support you ARE NOT alone.
Where does the "live your life" come in? Be you. As long as you are sincere, you put out your best, and the right intentions are there, it will come. Patience.. ah yes the big P word. Patience is a strong trait to carry.. one that will get you through the tough times, one that will guide you to the light at the end of the tunnel where everything falls into place. Nothing is ever as you planned. No matter what fairy tale you have read life is just what it is suppose to be, and if you truly embrace it, you give yourself the opportunity to really appreciate the emotions, gifts, and moments. Yes it comes with hard times, but can you break those times with laughter? Have you caught yourself on the toughest days, during the worst news and found a way to break into laughter. Hold that moment. Tuck it away. Go to it when in doubt and move on. Yesterday is gone, today is an opportunity, tomorrow is a result of what did you do today to make a dent in which POSITIVITY, PERSEVERANCE, PATIENCE (that's three) really does pay off.