This past week. I had an opportunity, to really get things going on the projects that matter to me the most. I had everything in order, I networked my tail off, and busted every single minute of my free time investing that this would be a big production. Unfortunately for me, the leader of this particular event had things fall through. Yes I'm blessed to be surrounded by understanding people, but this messed with my credibility. I want to say that if you want something done do it your self, well I did everything I could in my power, and then the one that invested all the money had mother nature throw him off course so severely that he didn't bother to delegate. I can't cut the tie. It's a good one to have, for my benefit. We will see. The next few episodes... Met with another prospect, and they were not paying attention to my ideas but me instead. Really? Not interested in chatter or big talk folks. We are in a fast paced world quickly leaving us all behind. I don't want to deal with big talkers with big ideas, I want to deal with people with passion, talent, and work ethic. Those elements are what will slingshot everything to the next level.
Kindness. I've seen people talking about what I've been saying for years. Do something kind. JUST BECAUSE. It will fulfill you. See it's a lot easier to tell some one off, ignore, and not put in time. When I tell people that my new projects pay off are that it just feels good, some are like wow Cat. Others just say why do you work so hard for free? It's something that I will never be able to put into words how it makes me feel, and the satisfaction in my soul. For right now it's been a little here, and a little there...do I expect anything in return. No. Unless friendship and good company is too much. If you want good things in your life, if you want to better your self, then start to live. Lead by example don't take the easy way out and maybe, just maybe more people will return to that frame of mind and our lost society will find itself again.
I've had a few unexpected encounters, I've had let downs, but if I quit now, then it's the easy out. You have to try in life to succeed and make it to a level, a unique one that will stand out. Living out side of my comfort zone, being a bit more daring, has brought some interesting encounters. Regardless that they might seem unsure, or things still seem up in the air, I learn about myself more and more every day, and those moments of life that truly have meant something to me, are the energy and passion that keep me going.
The final thought.
Kindness is not weak. Reality check. My inner core is what leads me to be kind, to give people a chance, to be real and up front. Let's keep moving forward. Live and enjoy the people in your life now. You might not know the whole story, and their time with you might be shorter than you ever imagined. Sometimes you have to realize that those you keep putting to the side don't have all the time in the world, and due to the "less is more" theory they are not going to complain about life, when they are just trying to enjoy every opportunity of every day. Look out for yourself, yes, take time for those you keep thinking will always be there....
For those of you that know me personally, thank you always for your support, laughs, and love.