What does it take? Really what do you want? I know that we all deal with so many issues, and as a reminder I have always said one persons severity doesn't take away from what might be an even bigger deal to someone else. To understand that you have to have compassion.
What are your intentions? Look...I have learned. Be open. Suck it all in while you can, cause quicker than a blink, sneeze, snap it can all be gone. Love someone for who they are and like a song states that I'm just absorbing now "Si tienes quien te quiera, quierelo tu mas!" Huh....why are we all so busy looking for something when the other is beating down the door. What is the correct decision when you think the boundaries have been pushed beyond what you ever imagined? Let's be real. To be happy you need to be yourself. How well in the work force aim for moving up, surround your self by those you see on the same path, be respectful, listen, be daring, but don't let it all out. In life, don't settle. Reality we live in an instant gratification society. Picture mail, e-mail, text message, moments...but reality leaves us with that not so full feeling. It's all a tease and we want it all, but don't want to put the work into it because we are all so drained. Let's not LIVE to WORK lets work to LIVE! BUT we are all working, working, working, and it's those moments of escape that we search out for what we really want...sad thing is on one side it's ready to give it the all, but we are so tired, overwhelmed, pissed off, scared, that we drop it, leave it hanging or take it for granted. This Friday when you go tear it up, let loose, release, hook up, find that moment...take a step back and realize something...someone is letting you in...so don't spoil it because it probably took some good force in the world to give you that opportunity...the question is are you going to run with it? or abuse and lose it?
Good luck.
Chat with you all soon!
1 comment:
Thanks your for a great blog! Your writings always inspire me and your words are all so true.
Keep up the good work and like you say Live, Love & Laugh! You and Scott are always in my thoughts and in my prayers.
Besos y Abrasos Mi Vida,
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