No kidding. It truly is amazing. The politics of certain elements needed to get something approved. Sometimes I think companies are wanting trouble. I mean really. If I were to follow...lets say a process to a certain company to get something approved, and they were trying to categorize it the wrong way to avoid payment. Don't they realize that there is still a trail of paperwork for the person following a correct process, to achieve the best results to complete that particular account/claim? Don't they want you to better the situation to resolve the matter? Do you want to spend more money trying to get out of something, than finding the quickest resolution and paying a much smaller price? I THINK NOT!!!
O.K. I promised about relationships. Oh my young grasshoppers it has been fun listening. In relationships of ANY KIND...it will all depend. Stand on your ground, but you can not enjoy life if you have everything in a "this is how it's going to be". Haven't you all figured out yet that life will throw you curve balls???? I mean if you are in a routine where you know even when you are going to "poop" are you really living your life, and enjoying your relationships to the fullest?
Sometimes, events will happen in your life that you never imagined. Events that before you were ever in a relationship where you were IN love not just lust, or like, love ya, you promised you would just walk out. But the thing about relationships is that is all DEPENDS. were they jerks, did they just make a mistake? I mean really. Can you call your self perfect? I mean we all try to be our best, and do our best, but again I will say even with the best intentions, sometimes some pretty bad things happen and not to be negative, sometimes some amazing things happen.
I've heard conversations about cheating...ha what a topic. People think that cheating is just about a sexual relationship. Um, nope. Did you know that if you confide in someone more than you confide in your partner/what ever your relationship then that is actual cheating also? Yep. I hear that SEX is so important in a relationship...Listen I will be the first one to tell you if it was a required daily meal most everyone would be happy, but it is only P A R T of the whole picture. Everything in a relationship, talking, sharing, intimacy etc. It all has to have it's distribution in a relationship. Too much of one thing and none of another is called being an extremist. Nothing when pushed to an extreme works. It just irritates. If you can't understand let me give you a few examples. If you work too much you are probably missing some key elements in your personal life. Missing out. If you are all about friends and family with no balance, you work will probably suffer. If you use your cell phone all the time, no matter how many free minutes you have it will cost you a lot in the long run. If you work out too much you can harm your body instead of getting it healthy. Get it? If not goodnight. If yes, proceed.
For those of you that SEX is just SEX. Hmmm. Good I guess. But I can't understand why you would say that you would drop someone if they cheated on you, "if sex is just sex" . Maybe you can explain that one to me.
Also all relationships work different. So don't judge those that go outside of what your "norm" entails. It might surprise you that there are many variety of relationships that actually have it figured out on how to feel like you just fell in love, and how to keep it fresh. As long as the rules in those relationships have been set, and things are clear between the people involved it will be a fine relationship.
Next time. Forgive, Forget, Forward, Friends with....
WOW some people can be so harsh on their comments. Huh!!!
Well everyone has some sort of a "Soap" life. Hell someone wrote the scripts and it did'nt all come from their imagination. Some of it happened to them.
UMmmm people these days!!!
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